Monday, January 11, 2021

The Human Spirit Prevails!

    I must admit that talks of this covid-1984 vaccine made me cynical. I thought most accepted the mask with little pushback, so they will do the same when the vac comes out. But then, I realized my lack of faith in the human spirit and God. That's when my mindset changed. What is currently happening in New York (of all places), illustrates the power of the human spirit:

Stringer's complaints follow reports of hospitals in the city being forced to throw away doses of the vaccine.

Dr. Neil Calman, president of the Institute for Family Health, complained to the NYT that the Family Health Center of Harlem had to throw away doses when patients didn't show up to their appointments, since they couldn't turn around and instead administer the doses to others.

And despite the fact that legal repercussions could further slow the process, state authorities have investigated healthcare providers that may have violated vaccination plans, including the city's ParCare Community Health Network, which authorities say may have ignored the state's vaccine prioritization guidelines.

In other news, Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivered his "State of the State" address on Monday, and during it, he appeared to finally hit upon something small business owners and restauranters around the city have been saying for months: if we don't do something about this lockdown soon, there won't be an "economy" left to reopen once COVID vaccinations have hit critical mass.


    Yes, the New York economy may be destroyed but the human spirit prevails.  Paper money can't afford the souls of living men and women. 


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