Monday, April 27, 2020

Superpowers Want New Global Reserve

China has recently come out with their digital Yuan. A few American companies that are located in Chian have started to use this new digital currency. We are on the cusp of something major. Historically, there appears to be a pattern that the global reserve currency is replaced roughly between every 30-40 years. Nixon, in 1971 removed the gold standard and about 30 years before the USD become the global reserve currency.

In 2009, during the great recession, China had suggested removing the USD as the global reserve. However, they were not positioned as they are now to make such recommendations.  Back in 09, China was the largest holder of USD financial assets. As the world's biggest economy, China can now capitalize on the USD demise. The beast from the east has risen.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 as a solution to our current financial issues. With its creation, came a new system that too solved issues pertaining to the internet-Blockchain. Coincidences do not exist in my eyes. The elusive Satoshi Nakamoto knew exactly what he or she was/is doing. A few years later a platform coupled with a new cryptocurrency came into existence with the goal to become one of the new global currency reverses; that is Ripple and XRP. This platform allows for instantaneous global remittances. The future is here...It is time for the old ways to die and make way for the new. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Digital Dollar

The United States dollar is dead as we know it. Credit cards reduce spending limits; savings accounts have no withdrawal limits. Our government is currently putting a bandage on its vertical slit wrist. Many people will join American's economic grave. The greatest depression is manifesting before our eyes.

The world is always changing because we are consistently improving our perception of reality. Yet, with each advancement comes a new battle. We have reached heights as a civilization that have never been seen. Fake prosperity and selfishness have distorted our vision, but the two shadows casting "reality" have been exposed.  It should be more than clear that crypto will reign supreme. Why wouldn't it? It checks all four necessary boxes that the united states dollar doesn't: 
  1. Durable- the medium of exchange must not weather, fall apart, or become unusable. It must be able to stand the test of time.
  2. Portable- relative to its size, it must be easily moveable and hold a large amount of universal value relative to its size.
  3. Divisible- should be relatively easy to separate and put back together without ruining its basic characteristics.
  4. Intrinsically Valuable- should be valuable in of itself, and its value should be totally independent of any other object. Essentially, the item must be rare.
 Bitcoin, Xrp, and Litecoin are just three examples of a cryptocurrency that fulfill all four boxes. Hence, why I have been calling cryptocurrencies the new safe haven or precious metal. Educate yourself and prepare for this paradigm shift.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Paradigm Shift

As we all heard and saw, oil sunk down into the negatives. For crypto and precious metal investors, this is a sign that those investments will prove wise, however, to exhibit glee for an event of this magnitude is simply poor taste. Yes, the world is changing, and doing so quickly. We are seeing a major paradigm shift before our eyes. Ever since this entire crisis started, a line from the Bible has been at the forefront of my mind, "the first will be last and the last will be first." The west has been first for a while, but now we are going to see its demise as the east rises up. In the future, it will be counties like China, India, and Africa controlling the global economy. China has methodically sharpened and pounded the metal tip of the spear while India and Africa wield the rod. Together they will deliver the death blow to America...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump Becomes Sugar Daddy?

Steve Mnunich states it was his idea to put Trump's name on the stimulus checks most of us have received. This worked to win over voters and temporally placate the masses. However, with millions of Americans losing their jobs every week, a mere $1,200 check sent out one time can only do so much. Therefore, two democrats have proposed a new bill that would give middle-class Americans $2,000 every month for a year:

$2,000 Monthly Stimulus Check Eligibility:
  • Every American age 16 and older making less than $130,000 annually would receive at least $2,000 per month.
  • Married couples earning less than $260,000 would receive at least $4,000 per month.
  • Qualifying families with children will receive an additional $500 per child – for up to three children.
  • Those who had no earnings, were unemployed, or are currently unemployed would also be eligible for the stimulus even if they didn’t file a tax return.
  • Those who were not eligible in 2019 or 2018 but would be eligible in 2020, could submit at least two consecutive months of paychecks to verify income eligibility.
Despite Andrew Yang's failed presidential campaign its chief idea has started to gain a foothold on the political scene-UBI. I have said this before. President Trump will more than likely use Yang's idea to garner support from his now "enemies." 

The question one must ask now is how much will this affect Americans' actual wealth? I.e. how will this affect prices on goods and services? Also, will this pave the way for digital currency? If so, that could mean negative interest rates will hit your checking account. History shows us that fiat currency always collapses, and the American dollar's demise is already written on the walls. However, if this passes, it would be wise to spend that government check on precious metals and cryptocurrency. 

Unemployment Checks

There is a myriad of memes and comments showing disdain for those receiving large unemployment checks. In some cases, those receiving unemployment checks are making more than they were while working. This has caused a virtual uproar among the general public, well it's mostly those ardent conservators that still believe America is the land of the free, and the free market is alive and well. Wake up! It is better for the elites to sow division among the peasants (you and I) because divided we fall. Yet, they are united in their nepotism. We have cause for righteous indignation; 43,000 taxpayers who make well over a million dollars a year are/have received $1.7 million stimulus check:

"While wealthy Americans are not eligible for the comparatively measly $1,200 stimulus checks that are now being disbursed to many Americans, they are on pace to do even better. 43,000 taxpayers, who earn more than $1 million annually, are each set to receive a $1.7 million windfall, on average, thanks to a provision buried in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act."

Stop living in the boomer America. That place no longer exists thanks to boomers. We are entering a new age. Rather than fighting over pissed on bread crumbs, we should be pushing the government to do the right thing, which is to implement a debt jubilee (yes, clear all debt because that is actually the Christian thing to do) and eliminate the income tax.  Otherwise, we the people are the ones getting collectively screwed. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Church in Homes

Across the globe, churches are being closed. In America, we see this as an affront on our civil liberties (that do not exist). As Christians, we should have been prepared for something like this to happen sooner than later; our history shows that these tactics are not new. Large church buildings where people gather en mass have not always been the Christian way. Church history shows that people congregating in homes to evade law enforcement during antiquity was commonplace. The only thing we truly have freedom of is our thoughts. What we believe becomes our reality, and for those of you sinking into despair, your worldview has been distorted. It is our enemy's goal to destroy our faith, but only you can allow that to happen. God gives us the strength we need to overcome our weakness. Therefore, it is time we start to rethink the way we worship. Technology coupled with historical truth shows us that times like these we can thrive:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Veto for Joe Is A Veto for Pedos

If you are thinking about voting for Joe Biden, slap yourself. If you think Biden can hold hour-long press conferences during a crisis, slap yourself. We are talking about a man who has a hard time being coherent. Don't believe me, check out this Youtube video title Biden's cringiest bloopers. His gaffes are secondary compared to his overt sexual passes at underage girls. Honestly, if that doesn't deter you from voting for this pedo then you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Of course, power-hungry Sanders endorsed Biden. Trump (as much as you may not like it) is the sanest choice for president in 2020. To vote for Joe is to vote for pedos.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Never Lose Hope.

Today, while scrolling through my Facebook feed I came across a meme that is indicative of our current generations' outlook. Hope has been extracted from pop culture and mainstream media. The world is crumbling and we are the generation who has to pay for it. Many of us blame the boomers, while others blame the jews(they own most of the media and financing). Some even place the blame on a combination of the two, however, pointing fingers gets us nowhere. Identify the problem and find a solution. That is the way things are rectified. Yet, we are continuously faced with gloom and doom as such in this meme:

Yes, during economic downturns birth rates plummet. No one can blame people for making that decision. One could even say that is commendable. What we tend to forget, is that our ancestors used to live in much harsher conditions than us. This did not keep them from propagating. As a matter of fact, during 1000-1300 the European population doubled.  Despite foreign invasion and the black death,  people found a reason to keep humanity going. It doesn't matter if the average life expectancy was much lower and fewer children lived to see adulthood. Hope for a better tomorrow; a better future for those who did survive provided our progenitors with enough confidence to keep our race moving forward. 

Big Tech Tags Humans

Data privacy is something governments and big tech companies claim to respect. That is why Apple and Google are asking for your consent as they partner with public health authorities to create an app to alert users of those who are infected with COVID-19. Don't worry this is being done to ensure your safety. After all, big brother cares deeply about you and me:

That app will evolve into a tracking device for dissenters of governments and those who propagate unauthorized conspiracy theories. The logical next step is to implant a chip. However, we are taught there is nothing new under the sun. Therefore, the future should not scare us. We must prepare to protect our rights and live with hope, not fear. Modern man is constructing the new tower of babel, but like its predecessors, it too will crumble. 

A perfect example of unity against draconian measures is the citizens in Michigan. They have started a Facebook group to protest their governor's wicked laws. As Vox Day says, "conflict is the air we breathe."

Monday, April 13, 2020

Hoarders Are Not The Problem

The biggest pork processor in America had to shut one of its facilities down over the weekend. This is one of many meat processors that have closed down facilities. Therefore, farmers are having a hard time getting the product off their hands. The supply chain has been broken, and it is having a ripple effect throughout our nation. Shelves are noticeably emptier than usual. America, the fantasy world we lived in has come and gone. It is time we become self-sufficient. Things are only going to get worse, and we best prepare now. Hoarders are no longer the problem; they are actually ahead of the game. For the states where seeds are being restricted from sale, peacefully protest by going to the self check-out and pay for them. Start a petition to have chickens in your backyard if you currently can't. We are not without hope. State dependency must end.

Christians Penalized for Celebrating Christ's Resurrection

The first amendment is nothing more than a tool of propaganda. Freedom of speech doesn't exist, freedom of religion doesn't exist, and freedom of press or petition doesn't exist. Far too often we like to talk about discrimination against Jews and Muslims, but it is as if Christians are the only religious group that is immune to wrongful persecution. Last year Obama and Clinton deemed Christians Easter worshippers. This year cops are handing out tickets to Christians attending Easter services, which is happening globally. Australian police have done the same thing to their native Christians. However, we as Christians now that persecution will come. For Jesus told us so, Matt 10:22-23 "22 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. 23 When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes." 

That doesn't mean we do nothing. Ostensibly, this provides us with overwhelming proof that Christ is the way to eternal life. Therefore, it is our job to continue to spread the Word of God. No government can stop us from doing that. Do not let these tyrannical laws bring you down. We must pick up our cross and march onward.  For hope is never lost, because Christ is everlasting. 


Sorry right-wing media, but China isn't the only nation that forces Christians to start underground churches.  

Humanity's War

You are apart of a cosmic battle that has been raging since the fall of man. There are entities beyond our plane of consciousness who want to see you perish. Foruntenaly, the opposite holds true. See some of these begins have revealed themselves to top government officials. It is my opinion that the alleged alien encounter Dwight Eisenhower had was with at least one of our spiritual enemies. Theories of reptilian creatures, analogous  to the bad guys in Captian Marvel, controlling the world's elites appear to have some validity. After all, the occult grew tremendously in the US and the Soviet Union after the demise of Nazi Germany who was allegedly consultant by these reptilian beings to create the perfect race. The truth is much stranger than fiction.

The FBI has also released documents stating we have made contact with interdimensional beings. 
It states they do not come from a planet as we know it. Scripture tells us that God created the WORLDS Heb 11:3-"Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." These worlds are both physical and spiritual. The latter, in my view, is interdimensional. We are also told that our enemies are not flesh and blood but principalities. Ephesians 6:12-"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." These interdimensional beings are not only supported in the Bible but multiple other "holy" texts; such as the Koran and the Sanskirt. This is one of those universal truths found in humanity's ancient history. 

DMT has this universal effect upon those who take enough. That is they meet these "clockwork elves" as the late Terrance Mckenance called them. These entities expose you to a different world where it illustrates how powerful your actions truly are. So, what good does this do anyone?  Well, if nothing else it should alter your perception of the evil that pervades our plane of existence without our knowing. At the same time, it should bring you comfort that God has assigned one of these interdimensional beings (angels) to help you. He also provides us with an armor greater than everything this world has to offer. 

We are living in strange uncertain times but one can rest assured that God created all, and His Kingdom will never succumb to the gates of hell. 1 John 3:8 "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Calm Before The Storm

33% of renters in the month of April did not pay rent. Fast food and warehouse workers go on strike. Yesterday, protesters were outside the Ohio statehouse voicing their disapproval of the government lockdown. On the bright side, corporations were able to use their welfare checks to buy back lost stocks; leading many Americans to believe the stock market is recovering. Now, New York has more COVID-19 cases than any other country. However, the odds of dying from COVID-19 are extremely slim. It has become increasingly clear that these measures of lockdowns and state-enforced quarantines have more to do with population control than preventing the spread of COVID-19.

I think the economic collapse is going to be major. Perhaps it will be the Great Depression 2.0. Since many people will slip into poverty and those who don't will inevitably feel the effects of inflation, and this combo will more than likely increase crime rates. That is why I believe the government is beginning to implement draconian laws.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Is Globalism Dying?

The United Nations Security Council has taken months to plan a meeting to address COVID-19. Six years ago during the Ebola scare, the council deemed the disease was a threat to world peace and security at the behest of Obama. However,  the threat to security Ebola possessed pales in comparison to what is taking place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. I don't recall drones yelling at people to break up large gatherings or individuals being imprisoned and or fined for leaving their homes. If there ever was a time for a one-world government to form, one would think it is now.

 Despite China's received criticism for lying about COVID-19, they became president of the Security Council in March. Unlike, the Obama administration in 2014 no meeting was called to have a global collaboration to mitigate the spread of the virus. Neither did Trump, but rather 9 out of 15 members, who are significantly smaller than China, USA, and or Russia, did. It appears that the superpowers want to preserve their national sovereignty.

The EU's relevance is also in jeopardy. Videos on Twitter and Youtube have percolated showing that their citizenry no longer wants to be apart of the globalist cabal. Here's an article containing videos of Italians during the EU flag: It looks like this disease can bring some good after all. Hope is always present. Globalism is dying while nationalism is rising.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Bill Gates recently did an interview with CBS regarding COVID-19 where he said-" ...and which activities, like mass gatherings, maybe— in a certain sense— more optional. And so until you're widely vaccinated, those may not come back at all" This comment has made people concerned about the potential of mandatory vaccines. Yes, it concerns me as well. However, my main concern is the emphasis on eliminating large gatherings until we listen to the leading technocrat. Gates has said we need to reduce the human population via vaccinations.

A paddleboarder in California was arrest for violating the stay at home order despite being alone in the ocean. In Colorado, a father was handcuffed in front of his daughter for playing at the park. New Yorkers have Video of a drone advising people to corporate with social distancing orders. Times like these require people to draw a line in the sand. We mustn't give away our liberties in order to feel safe. That level of complicity derives from a false belief system that our protection comes from this world. It doesn't. Following the herd brings a sense of comfort because they do not ostracize you, but following the herd leads you to the slaughterhouse.  COVID-19 is starting to look a lot like COVID-19(84). 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Breakaway Civilization

Space Force and beyond! Many laughed at Trump's creation of this new military branch. Those who did so are being extremely short-sighted. Mankind will someday begin to travel our solar system and extract minerals to utilize for energy and or other industrial proposes. NASA has been developing a plan for America to station a human base on the south pole of the Moon. While there is a lot yet to be discovered about our planet, much can be learned about human history (potentially) through space exploration. Now, it has become a rather convincing idea that Mars was once inhabited by intelligent life forms much like ourselves. With its lack of atmosphere, scientist believe this is due to some great war. Earth cannot remain habitable forever, so why not begin to cultivate and terraform neighboring planets to extend our footprint? 

Yesterday, during the craziness of this pandemic and economic downturn, Trump signed an Executive Order establishing US policy for the extraction of resources from outer space. Countries across the world agree with the EO. It gives private citizens and governments the right to expand economic utility throughout our solar system and beyond.  For roughly 60 years, Australia and America have worked closely when it comes to space travel. Hence Australia's assistance in securing western dominancy over China in space. Cold War 2.0 is in full effect. 

This kind of endeavor leads one to conclude that the most efficient and effective way for mankind to explore and properly utilize resources collected from space would be to establish a global coalition.  In other words, a global government. What if mankind were to encounter hostile life forms during their adventures, it would seem reasonable that we would come together to help our fellow man. The threat of global tranny is real and inevitable, but space exploration is also a necessity being that earth will eventually die. Something many forget to mention when talking about end times is that there will be two examples of a world government. One which every Christian warns their fellow man about, and the other where God restores the natural order.  Rev 21:1 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." This is a Biblical event. Could the new age of man be a breakaway civilization?  

Monday, April 6, 2020

Food Shortages Coming Don't Despair.

We are told not to hoard. To save food and supplies for everyone and initially, that was the problem with shortages. However, that is no longer the case. Our supply chain is fragile resulting in a few desolate shelves in your local grocery store. This issue will only get worse. There are dairy farmers across the country having to dump an immense amount of milk. Vermont has gone as far as to restrict the sale of seeds at retailers like Wal-Mart. Maryland has done something very similar by not allowing the sale of gardening supplies. Don't think this cannot happen in your state. It is now happening in other NATIONS. Food prices are going to continue to rise and sooner than later seeds will become a rare commodity for "non-farmers." The UN also warns of food shortages around the world. Despite this grim outlook, do not despair. There is a way out.

My wife and I live in a condense neighborhood. A couple thousand square feet is the size of our yard. Due to its small size, one might conclude there isn't enough land to grow our own food; they would be mistaken. There are numerous fruits, vegetables, and herbs that can be grown inside. So, we have decided to utilize our home. For starters, we have planted Cilantro, Parsley, and Strawberries. The cilantro and Parsely have started to grow; we are still waiting on the strawberries:

Back right is Cilantro. The front right is parsley and the four left containers are strawberries
We have a few other fruits and veggies that will be planting shorty. Once the weather is nice enough, we'll begin to utilize our tiny yard as well. This is why I cannot stress it enough that we mustn't despair. God always provides us with a way out. Stop depending on governments and corporations that care very little, if at all, about you and your family. Start taking matters into your own hands.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Chinese Expansion

The west is falling, and its demise presents an opportunity for China to seize the moment. While we are struggling to reboot our economy and fight COVID-19, China has remained focused on becoming the new global leader. Right-wing media may lead one to believe this is horrible news being that China is a communist country. However, I think it will be better than having the US at the helm.

I love my nation. Growing up in America has provided me with a myriad of opportunities, that I may not have had otherwise. With social media connecting nearly the entire world, it has become clear that America isn't the force of good. Our government topples regimes; then implements shadow governments controlled by the CIA. Hence why we are over in the middle east. Since our inception, we have had individuals like Henry Clay, founder of the War Hawks of Congress, who dreamt of taking over Canada. Global control has been our MO for far too long with little to no regard for human life. One of the most beloved families in American history, the Roosevelts, made a large portion of their wealth by force-feeding China opium.  I understand that physical conquest is deeply ingrained in humanity, but overextending one's empire ensures its collapse. Also, leadership requires difficult decisions. But our global leadership doesn't benefit anyone other than the elites.

China, on the other hand, has been playing the long game, and Xi Jinping is not your typical leader. He is extremely nationalistic. Their Belt Road Initiative is an opportunity to tilt the scales in their favor, which may be better than America running the world. They have also slowly positioned themself to lead 26% of UN agencies. That number is bound to grow. Why would it better for China to take over that leadership position? They will not use physical coercion to force nations to submit, and their media is much more liberal than ours. As for their trust, well, you shouldn't trust any government completely. They all lie!

By no means do I think America cannot rebound, I have faith that we will. I believe we will have to make new allies and adjust our way of governance. To me, that looks like focusing on our people. Trump has done a decent job at that. The USA mustn't be number one to put its citizenry first. This paradigm shift is hitting all facets of our life from societal behavior to international politics. Focus on what you can control and position yourself to benefit from it, 

Nothing Will Ever Be The Same

April is going to be the month where the truth is unveiled.  Unemployment rates are at an all-time high, and people are now defaulting on payments. This will have rippling effects. Couple that with COVID-19 and things begin to look grim. I'm not going to sugar coat it by saying everything is fine and don't worry. Reality is we should all prepare for a rough year. The world is changing quickly. Yesteryears normal is tomorrow's ancestor. However, this doesn't mean we should feel even an ounce of despair. I look at this as a purging. Events like these make people stronger and focus them to reprioritize their lives.

It is a concern of mine that sentiments for socialism will begin to rise exponentially. Those who are quick to criticize people who are gravitating toward this extreme are equally as blind. Our system in America has created a power structure where businesses literally own politicians, which means we have a quasi oligarchy. Unfortunately, we have all been lied to so much we don't know who to trust, and our education system hasn't taught us to think, making  us dependent on their authority. Thankfully, this situation gives us time to reconnect with the truth. Hard times make for strong people. Strong people are self-sufficient. Yes, we are entering a new age, but I believe it will be for the better.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Follow the Good, Beautiful, and True

  Royalty is how we live compared to our ancestors. Which, is why we now depend on material items and governments to save us. Reading Matthew 19 this week has revealed a few things to me about myself and the world around me. Far too often I am focused on making the temporary better, and that isn't necessarily bad. However, my focus is infrequently set upon the eternal.  In some ways, I see a parallel between me and the rich man in Verses 16-22, By no means am I rich, but I tend to misplace my trust. Times like these it is easy to do. We must remember that life here matters and it has effects we don't yet realize. That is why being in the world and not of it is essential for salvation. Unfortunately, most only care about the short term. Few will follow the good, beautiful, and true till the end.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Holographic Immortals

Death is something that binds all of us. Technology is the weapon of choice to combat it. Today we live in a world where technology has unlocked God mode and begun to resurrect deceased celebrities. While they may be a revenue stream for Hollywood and family members, it will come from a place of wickedness crafted by sordid blacksmiths. This paradigm shift is bringing with it new gods preaching a new gospel; one of self-importance packaged as one's "legacy." 

Roughly a year before Kobe Bryant died, he was virtually cloned to celebrate 50 million visitors coming to Los Angeles in 2018. I have a feeling this will not be the last we see of Kobe being that Whitney Houston and many other dead artists are now doing virtual tours

Combine this with the hustle culture that is arising and promotions of hard work, patience, discipline, benevolence, and humbleness; these holographic stars appear more sinister than one might initially think. It is essential not to forget that we live in the middle of a warzone, and only one side, truly, makes out alive. 

Jesus has taught us on numerous occasions to anticipate false prophets and messiahs. He has also told us in  Luke 10:3 "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves." Therefore, we must use prudence to avoid a snare set by the enemy. His pseudonym isn't the Deceiver for no reason. Build your ark and weather the storm. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Line in The Sand

I've heard some say this pandemic is our generation's 9/11, and I think that is a fair comparison. After 9/11, the government passed the Patriot Act allowing them to essentially spy on every citizen in the name of combating terrorism. Now, the masses are dubious of 9/11's veracity for multiple reasons. However, this doesn't translate to the objection of spying for "protection." Collectively, America has accepted the idea that losing privacy for safety is fine. Times like these are where governments test their limits. Therefore, times like these are where citizen draw the line.

The American government has discussed working with Facebook, Google and other tech companies to track smartphones. This will allow them to identify newly infected areas quicker, and that can help mitigate the spread. The duration of this idea is unknown meaning it will become indefinite. Sure there are benefits, but is the action required appropriate? 

In New York, some hospitals attempted to ban birth partners from the delivery room. Those hospitals face quick backlash. However, Governor Cuomo has overruled this outlawing the practice. People drew a line and refused to waiver from their position. All must have something to fight or die for something otherwise life becomes meaningless. 

Yes, we should render to Caesar what is Caesar's, but we mustn't sell our souls in the process. 

Trump The New Fed Chairman

Nationalization of US finance markets are becoming a reality. Also, the potential for the US to create a digital dollar has become a topic of discussion at the highest levels. Change is coming; post covid-19 America will operate significantly different than the one we presently know.

President Trump has felt that the stock market should have been much higher than it was by at least 10,000 points, and the fed was to blame. However, with this plan to nationalize parts of the financial market Trump essentially usurps Chairman Powell. Could this mean that we plan portions of our economy mimicking the Chinese economic system? After all, Neoliberalism has proven to be more destructive than helpful. It’s time for us to stop acting like a maid for the world and rather focus on getting our house in order. The age of America First is here to stay (hopefully).

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hope Trumps Despair

Rumors of rent strikes have been inundating my news feed as of late. The first of the month is only a few days away and tensions are rising. People living in constant increditude. Unemployment has skyrocketed. COVID-19 has caused states to shutdown. As of now, these shutdowns appear to be indefinite. With no end in sight, hope tends to get obfuscated by despair. For some, the thought of a higher power assisting them through turbulent times is ludacris. Others become so absorbed by this world they forget about their Heavenly Father. However, all of us forget that this life is merely temporal and that we should focus on the things above. That doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy life. God wants us to enjoy life. Therefore, let's remember faith and hope are powerful weapons to combat times of despair and confusion.

Matthew 19-23:30 Jesus has used a wealthy man, who was willing to sell his soul for riches, as an example. That a rich man will struggle to enter heaven. He must decouple himself from worldly riches to receive heavenly riches. As Americans, I feel the majority of us struggle with this. We are comforted by luxurious amenities, so in times like these we become concerned because our worldly lives are changing. This reality constantly changes because the master Deceiver runs it.

Our culture propagates the belief that only you can save you, which is simply not true. Verses 25-26: “When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, ‘Who then can be saved?’ But Jesus looked at  them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’Find comfort in the Word. Discover truths that will better equip you for times like these. God is good and does all for good. Therefore, have hope for a better tomorrow. Look for God's hand and follow His path. In Him we are united, so let's come together and share hope, love, and faith. The landlord you are thinking about not paying has a family they must look after too. Division is what  our greatest enemy wants and incessantly works towards. As Jesus says, "The gates of Hades will not prevail..."

Friday, March 27, 2020

The New Safe Haven

For the past few years, China has been embracing the new world of finance. After all, they have been attempting to improve the infrastructure of the world. By now, everyone knows about Bitcoin and some know about Blockchain.Many countries have begun to adopt this new technology. America, however, has been slow to act when it comes to the crypto scene, but that may be changing.  The leader of tomorrow nyst work to adjust and improve their financial foundation. Ladies and gentlemen the war of this generation will be fought digitally resulting in a paradigm shift.

As of March 26th Brian Brooks, a former Fannie Mae executive and former CLO of Coinbase, has accepted the position of COO at the U.S Office of the Comptroller of Currency. This is a clear indication that the US is preparing their entrance into the world of digital currency. My guess is that Coinbase will gain access to the US market with their new Visa card based on current trends.

Timing is everything, and China appears to be positioning itself to jump in at the right time. Two days before Brooks accepted the position, China grew closer to their goal of releasing the digital Yuan.  Many "private" companies in China have completed the groundwork for a digital currency. This is the new Cold War.

The currency of tomorrow will likely be hybrid: digital coupled with physical; i.e.  a form of cryptocurrency backed by physical gold and silver. Despite our delayed start we still have time.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Safe Haven turned Prison

Banks, at least for my generation, have been thought of as a safe haven to store your cash. This makes perfect sense considering the risk one takes by storing their cash at one's house. Therefore, it is prudent to give these large institutions one's money; who in return, use that money to let others borrow, and the interest rate on that money is how they make money. However, economic downturns cause people to withdraw their money due to ambiguity surrounding the bank's longevity. Disregarding the convenience aspect of depositing Trump bucks directly into one's bank account, this, in my opinion, is a tool the government is using to prolong a run on banks. Trump buck's will be nothing but numbers on a screen that will never materialize into tangible cash. Big brother is always there to help out its younger siblings. Hence the rapid spike in the stock market. Remember the government is not your savior; their survival is contingent upon submission.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Are Guardian Angels Biblical?

This week I read Matthew 18, and it became clear to me that, as Christians, we do have guardian angels. Coming from a baptist background, this thought had never occurred to me; that is until my wife and I started to venture away and investigate the Catholic and Orthodox faith. Although attending a few divine liturgies and latin masses didn’t provide me with a reason for the guardian angel, they at least presented the idea. The more I study the Word the clearer it becomes that the Christianity of old has been lost and convoluted into something nearly unrecognizable today. A new believer eager to learn about God and His Word will inevitably be misguided, sometimes due to sheer ignorance and other times due to ill intentions, this is troublesome. I am hoping sharing what I have learned in regards to this topic will be of value to those new believers and even those who have known Christ for most of their lives. 
Matthew 18 begins after Jesus told his disciples to pay the temple tax. Verse 1 Jesus is answering another question they asked- Who is the greatest in heaven? The answer- little children. For one must humble himself like a child, to receive the gift of salvation. Those who do this will be the greatest in heaven. The children, Jesus says in verse 10, have angels looking after them. Christ himself had angels minister to him after he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights (Matt 4:11). This is supported in Hebrews 1:14; we learn that angels are spirits with a duty of ministering to those who are inheriting salvation. Church Father St.John Chrysostom writes that all humans have a guardian angel, and that may be true, but from what we know from the Word are those starving to be Christ like have guardian angels. 
There are numerous cases of angels appearing in times of desperation and  or uncertainty throughout the entire Bible.  Luke 1-5:25 tells the story of Zacharias- a high priest and father of John the Baptist- praying in a temple. When, out of nowhere, an angel appears and tells him that he will have a son and he shall be named John. John will be a great sight to the Lord, and he will lead many children of Israel to the Lord. A similar event happens in Luke 1-26:25 with Mary and Joseph, and before that in Matthew 1. The book of Acts is also littered with events where angels are helping the disciples. For example, the story of Peter being freed from jail by an angel. This is not exclusive to the New Testament. The Old Testament is too filled with stories of angels assisting individuals. As one can read in Genesis 16,17,18,19, 21 33, Exodus, and a few more.. In the book of Daniel (chapter 10), the concept of angels being assigned to certain nations is alluded to as well. 
God provides all of His creation with a purpose, and that purpose is always for good. Angels play a vital role in this cosmic battle we are fighting. The Kingdom of Heaven cannot perish. We all play our roles in defending and preserving that Kingdom, and each of us has a guardian angel helping us. This is a truth that is important to grasp. Satan possesses an army too, so there are forces greater than you or I attempting to steer us away or towards God (Jude 1:9). Pray for strength and guidance. Pray for protection. Pray to God and your guardian angel. They work congruously for your betterment.