Monday, March 30, 2020

Line in The Sand

I've heard some say this pandemic is our generation's 9/11, and I think that is a fair comparison. After 9/11, the government passed the Patriot Act allowing them to essentially spy on every citizen in the name of combating terrorism. Now, the masses are dubious of 9/11's veracity for multiple reasons. However, this doesn't translate to the objection of spying for "protection." Collectively, America has accepted the idea that losing privacy for safety is fine. Times like these are where governments test their limits. Therefore, times like these are where citizen draw the line.

The American government has discussed working with Facebook, Google and other tech companies to track smartphones. This will allow them to identify newly infected areas quicker, and that can help mitigate the spread. The duration of this idea is unknown meaning it will become indefinite. Sure there are benefits, but is the action required appropriate? 

In New York, some hospitals attempted to ban birth partners from the delivery room. Those hospitals face quick backlash. However, Governor Cuomo has overruled this outlawing the practice. People drew a line and refused to waiver from their position. All must have something to fight or die for something otherwise life becomes meaningless. 

Yes, we should render to Caesar what is Caesar's, but we mustn't sell our souls in the process. 

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